Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.01.2022 (1049 days ago)

Up And Running

Up And Running
1049 days ago 44 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Wednesday was my 80th Birthday!

80 is a nice (yes nice) round number which I have been mulling daily throughout my 80th year.  
Rather than be daunted by it, I am proud of it and hear myself proclaiming my age often.  Why not?

It is what it is.  A number. A mile marker (thank you Erin McKenna and Guy deBoer for the annual ride) along my life journey. 

Who knows what’s ahead?

Come what may, my body is my hobby and I’m up and running (mind and body) with helpful boosts from Pilates (Molly Ross and Suzanne Viverito), massage (Jill McFadden and Ellen Reinhold), Personal Training (Monika Vandenboom and Sue Grahek), Juice Plus+ (Shelley Simpson), healthcare (Harvey Pollak, David Wertheim, Leslie Goldberg), my law partners (Nancy Schess, Joan Rothermel, Jane Jacobs), Charcoal, Elvis, Gotham City Networking, North of 25A Book Group, the support of friends and enriching Family
and, especially, the love and care from my Life Mate Joanne (pictured) for the long haul challenge ahead!!!

To be continued…

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Fred, I passed that number four years ago. Not golden years, not senior citizen, rather late middle age. That adds a few years to the mental aging.

Posted By : Burt Fendelman

Lots of Airline Tix and Hotel Rooms.

Posted By : Preston Fischer