06.03.2024 (266 days ago)


266 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I was forcibly unplugged while in Europe last week.


My husband and I were in Lisbon. The converter we were using was clearly defective as my iPhone, my iPad and my husband’s iPad all blew. The iPad was even sparking when we tried to charge it.  Luckily, for us, my husband’s Android phone was running perfectly.


I had no alternative but to remain unplugged until we got home and I could get a new phone. I was, initially, extremely upset and apprehensive about being unplugged for several days. I quickly asked my husband to contact our children, and my sister, to tell them what happened and let them know that, if they needed me to contact my husband. Their response was the same; I should relax and enjoy the rest of my vacation.


Once I let the apprehension of being unplugged go, a strange calm came over me. I was able to fully immerse myself in the beauty of Lisbon and Porto-the beautifully tiled buildings were breathtaking-without the thought of checking emails and text messages. I had no choice but to relax and enjoy. And I did.


I learned that, unplugging enhanced my vacation experience and will try to do better in the future. Do you unplug on vacation?






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