Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
12.02.2015 (3372 days ago)


3372 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:universe, limitless, giving, receiving

I am a great believer in Gotham.

I am not a believer in one of Gotham's mottos.

I know it is not better to give, than receive. It's exactly the same. Giving. Receiving. The exact same.

I need to learn to do both.

30 more days in the year.

This day I'm writing this, December 1st has special significance for me,

so I'm going to share what The Universe told me long ago:

"You are not on earth to make things happen. You are not on earth to spread the love. You are not on earth to make it a better place or to learn acceptance of the things you cannot change. You are not on earth to find your soul mate or your purpose. You are not on earth to put the needs of others before your own. And you are most certainly not on earth to suffer, pay penance, be tested, or judged.

Did I leave anything out?

You are on earth because in your loftiest state of being, perched high above the wonderment, at the pinnacle of your glory, you wondered what it would be like, even fleetingly, to believe in limits.

You sage,

The Universe"


PS - And when you can grasp this from within the illusions, you will also grasp how unlimited you truly are.

I'm working toward unlimited, how about you?

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