09.19.2019 (1988 days ago)

Uncomfortable Jewish Geography

Uncomfortable Jewish Geography
1988 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I blogged last week about that awkward moment when someone you don’t recognize greets you by name. Amparo and I continue to wonder how to handle that situation.

Here is another situation spawned at a social event:

I was introduced to a man at a wedding recently. He was from a small city and I mentioned the name of a friend of mine from there. (At weddings, a little Jewish geography is acceptable.)
Well, the man whom I had just met proceeded to disparage my friend - accusing him of being corrupt and taking graft.
I knew very little of my friend’s professional life but what I was hearing was not consistent with my impression of him. I listened for a moment longer and asked whether this person had ever met my friend.
When he replied that he had not, I assured him that the person I knew was a fine man from a fine family. I walked away before saying what was really on my mind.
I am still wondering what could have possessed the man to say such things to a complete stranger. 

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