03.07.2022 (1085 days ago)


1085 days ago 5 comments Categories: Health Tags:

As bloggers we are supposed to refrain from writing about political issues. In fact, I had another blog written to be posted for today. But the topic seemed trivial considering what we are witnessing happen in Ukraine. And so, I cannot stop myself from sharing my feelings about the horrors that are occurring in Ukraine. 


I watch the international news and it so deeply saddens me to see the atrocities the Ukrainian people are enduring. And, yet I am also struck by their bravery and willingness to stand up for their freedom.  And, as Fred observed on Friday, their President’s heroism, coupled with his use of social media to bring attention to the needs of his people is Nobel Prize worthy.


I am in awe of the courage exhibited by the Ukrainian people. And I sit here in my comfortable home, with electricity, internet, heat and food readily available to me and wonder what the average person in the United States can do to help.  Is it donations? Is it posting on social media? Engaging in peaceful demonstrations?



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