01.18.2023 (765 days ago)

Two Very Funny Men

Two Very Funny Men
765 days ago 11 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

The American Masters documentary, available to stream on  PBS, “Groucho and Cavett”, is a heartwarming look at two American originals.


What did a NYC Jew, born in 1890, and a Baptist Iowan, born in 1934, have in common?  It was the love of a great joke.


Groucho Marx was the hilarious star of Broadway and movies with his brothers, Harpo and Chico.  He became a television star in the 1960’s with the off the wall game show, “You Bet Your Life”.


Dick Cavett began his career in NYC in the 1950’s as a joke writer for Jack Paar and Johnny Carson.” He found success as a witty talk show host in the 1960’s and 1970’s.


Marx and Cavett met at a famous writer’s funeral and became very close friends for 10 years.  The film explores the relationship with great highlights of their conversations. As Cavett famously said when introducing him on his show, “I can’t believe I’m friends with Groucho Marx”.


Luckily for us, that friendship offers us laughs and insights that are touching and very funny!


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