09.05.2016 (3094 days ago)


3094 days ago 8 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

My children tweet. Apparently, they tweet all the time. In addition, they use Twitter to get their news and information about most important events.


I have tried to tweet. The opportunity to potentially communicate with someone I would normally not be able to reach is very intriguing to me. But the approach to tweeting intimidates me. I have a Twitter name. Yet, every time I go on to Twitter there are numerous conversations that are going on and I am unsure how to enter the discussion. Apparently, numerous people follow me on Twitter even though I have not, yet, had much to say. Nor, have I asked them to follow me.



Do you Tweet? If so, what do you use it for, news, networking, conversation, etc? Can you help me enter the dialogue?


Happy Labor Day Gotham!!!

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