Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
12.03.2023 (467 days ago)

Tunes for the Holiday Season

Tunes for the Holiday Season
467 days ago 3 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Xmas, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Festival, Chanukah

As I posted last year at this time and for several before that, holidays-themed music takes hold after Thanksgiving; sometimes even during and before. The holidays also bring lighting and I enjoy seeing those decorations. Sometimes we take eve rides listening to the music and checking out the displays in nabes known to have more than their fair share of of attractive to the eye displays.


It’s also that time for holiday gatherings. Gotham’s annual holiday party takes place Wednesday. Often these gatherings mean holiday music and my “open-source” list of holiday tunes grew this year to 117 songs on YouTube and 84 songs on Apple Music


You can scroll this list to view what you might wish to sample (Easily find songs for Chanukah, several Kwanza and even one for Festivus.) or just play the entire set in either Apple Music or the longer YouTube.


It starts and ends with two late icons.  John Lennon kicks it off (Next week I’ll the the 43rd Annual John Lennon Tribute honoring Graham Nash).  Laura Nyro sings it to conclusion.


I distinguish this list from others I developed because it includes musical genres not typically found on my other playlists. Each year, readers maypropose songs to add help make the set eclectic  (If you want to do so, please include a working YouTube link.).


So you have it, a list of tunes to just enjoy it or select what works for you.


Happy Holiday!


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