Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
03.30.2019 (2166 days ago)

Do you have the courage

Do you have the courage
2166 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

So a very good friend couldn't tell me the truth the other day. He was not courageous and did not handle himself well. I totally empathize with him and understand his business decisions. However, the way it was told to me (through other people) actually hurt more and left me wondering...


Do you tell the truth to your friends or do you avoid it using the excuse that you are protecting their feelings.


I have been guilty of the latter and try very hard to continually tell my close friends and family the truth...whether it will it'll be painful or not. They need to hear it even if it relates to business and networking.


Are you referrable? Are you losing business to competition without knowing why?

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