Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.26.2021 (1451 days ago)


1451 days ago 19 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I never think of myself as a snob, but then I got to thinking about biking.


I flat out love biking on my basic 1950s era “2 wheeler”.  The type on which I learned to bike ride way back when.  

My problem is that where I am everyone bikes, but many pedal tricycles and the sight of a man wearing a helmet tooling along smoking a cigar on a tricycle rankles me. 

Somehow a woman on a tricycle doesn’t bother me as much.  

I’m Old School for sure and I suppose I’m just a snob!

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I seem to remember that, back at Syracuse U, you were a member of the Sigma Alpha Mu Corvette Club, or desperately wanted to be, because you were trying everything you could to impress this really pretty girl..I think her name was Joanne Davidson

Posted By : Don cronson

If they move the 2 wheels to the front it will look like a motorcycle. Will that help you. Also remove the cigar. Even though women smoking cigars is sexy!

Posted By : Preston Fischer