Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
10.23.2016 (3056 days ago)

Trick or treat?

Trick or treat?
3056 days ago 6 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:Halloween

Halloween approaches.


For some it means parties, including with costumes.


For many it means trick or treating. I annually share Halloween “satety tips” going back to ghosting for the elected officials I served and more recently in my civic newsletter. I also posted the tips last year on LinkedIn. I may tweet the link later this week.


My Knights of Pythias lodge hosts such a party each fall. Last year, our niece's wedding took priority but I got excellent reports from attendees. The lodge gives prizes for the best costumes. This year, instead of a restaurant we rented a hall instead and hired our own caterer – who Gotham also used for its picnics this year and last. We expect a bigger turnout than last year. We pretty much expect to close out reservations this weekend; if any one wants to RSVP, see page three of our lodge bulletin.


So the question to pose, what costume to design, procure, etc?


Do you party on Halloween?


Do you costume?


Maybe you trick or treat (with your kids or grandkids)?

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