Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
06.22.2016 (3169 days ago)

Trending Topics

Trending Topics
3169 days ago 8 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:Google, Hamilton, Jackson, Tacos, Friendship

So I thought I'd see what was "trending" on Google, so I could write a really up-to-date blog post.

Here's what I found.

1. Hamilton Chicago - Tickets are going for $9000.

2. Michael Jackson - Stockpiles of violent porn at Neverland Ranch

3, Lauri Peterson - Never heard of her, but she's on Real Housewives and her son is suspected of attempted murder.

4. Taco Bell Free Taco - Free tacos today (Tuesday) from 2p to 6p

None of this seems the least bit relevant to my life and explains why I don't find it useful or productive to watch the TV news.

So here's some good news.

100 years of friendship -Three friends for 100 years...


My friends are my estate. - Emily Dickinson


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