Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
08.31.2013 (4209 days ago)


4209 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I usually take route 106/107 to work and this past Thursdy morning was no different. The only exception was that traffic was at a complete standstill. After about a half hour of keeping myself busy listening to XM radio, NPR and a bunch of other stuff, traffic moved a little bit to reveal that the delay was not an accident, which I thought it was, but a crew from Asplundh were trimming trees around the power lines. I thought what a strange name for a tree company. I looked it up and found that Asplundh is Swedish in origin and actually means a grove of Aspen trees. I looked around and didn't see any Aspen trees though. What I did see, and experience, is that they closed off the road to allow only one lane to pass thereby having to alternate traffic flow.


I live on a peninsula and there are only so many ways to leave it. And when one way is totally becomes a major problem. It seemed ridiculous, and not the least bit annoying, to do this work during rush hour. I don't think that trimming trees is an emergency, do you? They caused so many problems. People were making illegal u-turns and getting into accidents. I wonder if they tree trim during rush hour in Sweden.


Isn't there was some kind of regulation that disruptive road work should be done at off hours? I'd like to complain to someone but I'm not sure who. And if I did, would they be there or stuck in traffic?

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