Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.23.2018 (2543 days ago)


2543 days ago 18 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Forgetting money, everything has an inherent tangible value (more or less to each person and in differing situations or contexts).  

For example, when we visited Cuba in 2016 I brought little paper American flags which I saved after their use for decorations on the Fourth of July and inexpensive white Rawlings baseballs.


The Peso

Anticipating its unique value to the Cuban people trapped in their revolution, I offered a flag to our tour guide as a gesture of good will and her eyes lit up and she asked for more.

Fred and Tour Guide


When we went to a baseball game I gave a Rawlings baseball to a street beggar and his eyes lit up too.  

To close the circle, I traded a few flags for a bunch of valued souvenir CUBA baseballs from a very willing street vendor.  

One man's barter is another man's treasure (pleasure)!

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