Crysti Farra
08.07.2024 (182 days ago)

Traveling Fears in the face...

Traveling Fears in the face...
182 days ago 16 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I am struck with more than the usual traveling fears.  My fears normally center around my clients being taken care of? Missing a deadline while out of the office for an extended time. Are my employees overworked trying to cover for me?  How is my 100.9 year old mother-in-law going to fare while we are gone?  The normal white noise that all self employed people go through when leaving their 2nd home (aka the office).  But this time, Stew and I will be traveling under difference circumstances than we have for the past 4 years.    

Now, don't get me wrong, I am excited and much in need of this time away, but traveling internationally for 14 days is daunting for more than the above reasons.  This time, we will be in Greece for 3 days (it is hot as hades there right now, and tourist are dying from heat exhaustion), then on a BIG boat for 7 days (dare I say Petri dish?) and finishing off in Barcelona, where the natives are restless and "attacking" tourists with water guns (might not be so bad since it will also be hotter than hell there too).   But it is the middle part, on the boat, that has me most concerned.  We have heard way too many stories, many from our good friends and fellow Gothamites, about contracting COVID while on a cruise.  I have always been cautious, but over the past couple of years I have not been fanatic about wearing a mask in most situations.  But this new wave of COVID has me worried. question to all of you good people out there in Gotham land is...  Any great preventative, maybe holistic measures I can employ prior to embarking to possibly decrease my odds of attracting some horrible sickness while away?    And if you are not well familiar with me and my HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, ROTTEN travel luck, please just ask Stewart - he will be happy to fill you in.

So, suggestions welcome to ease my concern just 1 short week prior to our adventure!


Bon Voyage 

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