06.15.2023 (580 days ago)


580 days ago 9 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

So this week is the Yankees/Mets subway series. Its become a Gotham tradition and its one of the best night of the year! There is a lot of New York baseball tradition. Its sad when it comes to an end or there is an inevitable change. John Sterling has been the voice of the Yankees for 35 years. Years ago on TV and in recent years on AM Radio. He is now in his 80's, last year he stopped doing road games and this year his schedule has been even less as he has run into some heath concerns. Last week while doing the Yanks/Red Sox game he got hit by a foal ball in the broadcast both in the 9th inning. It didn't phase him, he just kept doing the broadcast. His time is coming to an end, The Tradition is ending and as a new replacement settles into the role a new tradition will begin.

I hope to see a big turn out from Gotham at the game tonight. GO YANKEES!

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