04.22.2024 (308 days ago)


308 days ago 4 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

Tonight marks the beginning of Passover. As we host both Sedars, my husband and I spent all day Sunday preparing.


The first step in preparation was to take out, from our storage closet, our Sedar plates, matzoh plates, and matzoh covers. As I was handling each item I was struck by the length of time we had been using them and what they each mean to me.


The matzoh cover we use for our Sedar was made by my daughter Calli when she was three years old in nursery school. She is now thirty-three years old. It struck me that the cover is thirty years old. It has been a part of our Sedars for thirty years. It is difficult to remember a time when that paper matzoh cover was not sitting on our Sedar table.


I love traditions surrounding the holidays.  And I hope that the paper matzoh cover gets used by our children as part of their Passover traditions.


What are some of your families’ traditions?


Happy Passover to all who celebrate!!!

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