09.09.2024 (43 days ago)

Top Secret Information

Top Secret Information
43 days ago 8 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I dislike making gender specific characteristics. But this one I have to question.


During a conversation at lunch at work last week, the subject of our weights came up. The men were very willing-and in fact did-to share their weights. The women, on the other hand, all refused to disclose their weight. And we were all shocked that the men so readily disclosed theirs.


I know that I am extremely guilty of this. No one, except my doctors, knows my weight. Including my husband. My husband, however, routinely tells me his weight. And he finds it humorous that I will not disclose mine.


So, here’s my question. Is your weight a topic that is top secret like it is for me? Or is it something you do not think twice for disclosing?

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