Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
03.31.2018 (2535 days ago)

Too much or not enough

Too much or not enough
2535 days ago 14 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

Passover, Easter, April Fools, Good Friday, Palm Sunday...the perfect holiday storm. Chopped liver, easter eggs, slow cooked brisket, golden maple ham, plus so much more, all converging in stomachs across the United States (at least in this household:)


Family, laughs, hugs, smiles, deep discussions, jokes, prayers, traditions are all a part of my life that I would not give up for anything. It's a wonderful tapestry that gives one pause to reflect on what's important.


It's another day in paradise :-) I wish you and yours a warm and wonderful weekend no matter what holiday you are observing or celebrating.

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