Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
07.13.2019 (2063 days ago)

Too many people

Too many people
2063 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I live in Sea Cliff...a tiny hamlet that's 1 square mile containing 5,000 residents. To the north is Glen Cove and Locust Valley. To the east Brookville. We all have three routes to get off this peninsula with Glen Cove Road being the main artery, At present, traversing Northern Blvd is like crossing a chasm.


big building

A developer is in the process of finishing a large set of buildings that will have over 1,000 residential units. And I'm sure each will need two parking spaces. Now with all this additional traffic, getting across Northern Blvd. will be like crossing the Grand Canyon.


There was a big fight to prevent this from being built, but money and power won out. However, I don't think anybody planned for the increase in traffic...none of the roads are being widened. Looks like I better add extra time to my commute.

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