07.04.2013 (4266 days ago)


4266 days ago 5 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

We started in the Fourth of July spirit last Saturday night with the concert and fireworks in Point Lookout. Since then, Neil Diamond’s “Coming to America” has been a persistent mental hum.

Fireworks and music --- made for each other.

Enjoy your holiday and, on this Fourth, let me share with you the lyrics to the song that is still in my mind and says a lot about what we celebrate today.


We've been travelling far
Without a home
But not without a star

Only want to be free
We huddle close
Hang on to a dream

On the boats and on the planes
They're coming to America
Never looking back again
They're coming to America

Home, don't it seem so far away
Oh, we're travelling light today
In the eye of the storm
In the eye of the storm

Home, to a new and a shiny place
Make our bed, and we'll say our grace
Freedom's light burning warm
Freedom's light burning warm

Everywhere around the world
They're coming to America
Every time that flag's unfurled
They're coming to America

Got a dream to take them there
They're coming to America
Got a dream they've come to share
They're coming to America

They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
Today, today, today, today, today



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