Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.19.2024 (3 days ago)

To do

To do
3 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Had a thought the other day while driving...(how unusual:). It occurred to me while driving next to someone who was talking on her phone through the car, in an incredibly animated conversation. I guess she was screaming because she didn't look happy 


I wonder what would be THE list of all the things people do in their car while driving. Here's my attempt...and while you read it, think about what you do (be honest)


Listen to the Radio/Podcasts/Music/Books

Talk to passengers in the car

Use the GPS/Navigation Systems 

Adjust Climate Controls 

Check Mirrors and gauges

Using their Phone - Texting, calling, or browsing social media.

Eating or Drinking

Grooming -  this includes shaving, putting on makeup, etc.

Reaching for Stuff

Adjusting or Fixing Clothing - or even changing Clothes

Tending to Children or Pets

Smoking or Vaping 


Watching Videos 

Singing Along to Music 

Having sex


Taking Photos or Videos

Engaging with their car's touchscreens


Or maybe they are just driving :)




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