Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
02.04.2013 (4417 days ago)

Tips for College Touring

Tips for College Touring
4417 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

No, I don't have any tips.  I am looking for some.

About to embark on what I am told is going to be quite the adventure, I am looking for any -- and all -- input from my Gotham family about what to expect and how to approach the process.  My 11th grader has a very significant list of schools she is interested in that would have us traveling all over the country.  I am reasonably sure that a 50 state tour is not required.  That said, I am also reasonably sure that visiting campuses is a necessary part of the college exploration.

So, what do you think?  Any words of wisdom for us before we hit the road?

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