Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.18.2022 (1063 days ago)


1063 days ago 24 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I recently had an interesting conversation with friends about tipping. 

Before I relate the conversation , it is useful to explain that “tip” is an acronym for To Insure Promptitude and the custom originated in Europe and is traced back to 17th century England. 

Whatever it’s origins, tipping has become an integral way of life and sustenance in our 21st century world.  

When I was coming up my father taught me to tip 10%.  Then it became 15% and now 20% seems to be the norm. 

Whatever the percentage, an interesting question is whether one tips on the after tax total or just basic bill?

Another nuance, realizing the server depends in large part on his or her tip compensation as part of their living wage, is that breakfast prices are lower than lunch and even more so when compared to dinner.  The thought that was mentioned and had never come to my mind is that, as a consequence, Breakfast tips should be more ample than at other meals.  Clearly, I will be mindful of that going forward!

Not to be forgotten is the practice of tipping in cash when paying by credit card, which nicely favors the server. 

Then there is the other area of general tipping to reward or obtain special service.

This tipping/bribery can be at the hotel front desk, in a parking garage or at a Club.  I call it creative tipping which my father was great at. Needless to say, they remembered him the next time he showed up!

Did you see Anna Delvey in Inventing Anna snowing folks with $100 bills?  It was quite an eye opener and has influenced me to loosen up with my $20s as I leave my favorite restaurants :)

PS I tip 30% at my hard to get into, favorite restaurant  :)

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The nicest aspect about traveling in Japan (besides the wonderful cleanliness of the country) was the no tipping policy! What a relief!

Posted By : Ennid Berger

She learned it from Ray Liotta.

Posted By : Jane