Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.05.2018 (2351 days ago)

Times Change

Times Change
2351 days ago 29 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

When I was young there were only 48 states, “Under God” was not in the Pledge of Allegiance, we got under our school desk in nuclear attack drills, TV was aborning in black and white with few channels, there was a smoking car on the rail road, pay phones were few and far between, Alan Freed was spawning Rock n’ Roll, I read The Daily Mirror tabloid, milk was delivered in the morning to the milk box, planes had propellers, bills were only paid in cash, police were men, the Yankees won almost every year, trophies were only for winners, Little League was only for boys, the LIE had not reached Roslyn, we had a party telephone line, the Yankees were all white, sneakers were for running, running was for odd balls, college was affordable, dogs ran free, I had a Newsday paper route, Baby oil and reflectors were for tanning, we ran behind the fogging man as he drove around the neighborhood, people burned leaves (and roasted potatoes) in the street, we ran through the sprinkler on a hot day,  air conditioners were rare, there was no sushi and pizza was new and...

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