Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
06.13.2023 (635 days ago)

Time for a Nap

Time for a Nap
635 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I have always been a fan of a good nap.  In fact, I would be a proponent of communal napping spaces that could be rented or even borrowed for short times around the city.


This season is my favorite napping time.  A good back, a tall iced tea (or iced coffee), outside in the sun in a comfortable chair.  I will be napping pretty quickly I admit.


My second favorite napping space is in the car, of course not while I am driving.  In fact, it could be any mode of transportation on the move.  Cars, trains, planes, boats, keep going.  The quiet motion and lull send me right to a snooze.


How do you feel about napping? Is it part of your routine?


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