Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
11.22.2021 (1202 days ago)

Throwback Memories

Throwback Memories
1202 days ago 8 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

Every year, on this very same day one of my close friends reminds me of a photo of our boys together in Kindergarten.  It is from the elementary school Thanksgiving celebration.  They are both proudly wearing their hand made turkey costumes and smiling broad smiles – smiles which screamed “Mom take that picture already.”


Both of those boys are about to enter their last semester of college.  Time flies.

This past weekend, we went to visit our college senior.  He was performing in his last fall show.  Throughout his college experience, he has performed and competed in aCapella.   Time flies.


As we watched our young man perform with his now mature voice and stance, I couldn’t help but think about that little boy in the turkey costume. Honestly, so many of the adjectives I used for him at five years old still fit him today.  I believe that you can see a child’s personality early on.


If you were to ask me right now what I am grateful for, it would be for wonderful throwback memories and the opportunity to say time flies.


Happy thanksgiving to all of my friends in Gotham.  Wishing you the chance to spend a few minutes with your own throwback memories.


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