07.25.2022 (945 days ago)

Those Important First Friendships

Those Important First Friendships
945 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I recently read a very interesting New York Times article. The premise of the article was how important those friends we make at our first jobs are to us both personally and professionally. The article went on to examine how the current generation of professionals are losing this benefit, due to the onslaught of virtual workplaces.


As I read the article I was quickly brought back to the camaraderie of the young associates at my first job out of law school. We worked late into the night together. Ordered in dinner together. Shopped in fashion catalogues together late in the evening while still in the office (yes, this was before internet shopping). And, of course, we socialized together, specifically gathering on Thursday nights at local bars.


 Most importantly, however, we supported one another. When one of us needed help, another was there. When one of just couldn’t figure something out, we were all there to help make it work.



 And while some of us are no longer in touch there are a few, one of who may be reading this blog, who have become lifelong friends. The sort of friends who you can call with any problem or emergency and know they will be there.



What was your experience with colleagues at your first professional job?

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