Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
01.25.2017 (2952 days ago)

Third Wave

Third Wave
2952 days ago 10 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Greenawalt, Networking, Toffler

If you've never heard of Score, let me introduce you, they provide free and low cost business mentoring, local low cost workshops and online business resources. SCORE here. A great asset in your biz toolbox.


One of their workshops, which I and 2 other Gothamites attended last Friday was called "The Science and Art of Breakthrough Networking." The workshop leader, Cynthia Greenawalt, enlightened us about The Third Wave and how it applies to networking.


It is about farming vs hunting, quantum physics vs newtonian physics, nonlinear vs linear thinking. It is about creating the first truly humane civilization in recorded history. And it is happening now. All around us. Fluid vs fixed.


So it is no surprise there were 637 events around the globe on Saturday January 21. People, women in particular, are rising up and expanding their consciousness, empowering themselves and speaking out.




It is about being your best self. Leaving your clients, potential clients, anyone you meet, feeling well served.


I'm loving this Third Wave.


Trees love bearing fruit.


What are you bearing?

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