01.06.2020 (1887 days ago)

Thinking Before You Speak or Type

Thinking Before You Speak or Type
1887 days ago 19 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


My Mom used to say quite often, “Think before you speak.” She would go into further detail with, “Is it necessary?” “Is it kind?”


I’ve been thinking a lot about my Mom’s advice lately. Both for myself and other people. We now live in an age where people share their most private thoughts and words on the internet and social media. Or where we easily communicate through text or email. And it appears that often there is no thought given to the effect one's words may have on other people. As such, I think my Mom’s advice is more important than ever. If my words are not kind and/or necessary, I try not to speak or type them.


What about you? Do you really think before you speak? Or before you type?






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