07.29.2019 (2053 days ago)

Think Before You Type

Think Before You Type
2053 days ago 15 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

How often are you thankful that you thought before you typed? This week I was so happy that I did.


I received an email this week from another attorney that viciously attacked me, both personally and professionally. To call the email unprofessional would be a massive understatement. The email, which also attacked my client, was cc’d to the two other attorneys in the case, each of whom represent the two parties’ children. Clearly, the goal of the email was to discredit me, and my client, to the court appointed attorneys for the children.


When I first read the email, I was enraged and immediately started typing. Then, after I read what I had initially written, I pressed “delete” and took a walk outside to clear my mind. With a much calmer mindset, I responded to the email, essentially telling the other attorney that I would not respond, at all, to the personal attack on me but defended my client is a clear and logical manner.


“Taking the high road” worked for me in this instance as both attorneys for the children called me to express their disdain for the other attorney’s actions and respect for my professional response. Taking some time to logically think through my response, rather than respond emotionally, was an effective way to answer a hateful email.


When was the last time you needed to take time to think things through?

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