Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
04.07.2019 (2161 days ago)

They call it radio bingo

They call it radio bingo
2161 days ago 12 comments Categories: Games Tags:

Two blogs I ago I covered supporting causes. I mentioned several upcoming events and one that we enjoyed last night. It was BINGO fundraiser, but of another kind:Radio BINGO. We enjoyed it; believed all who attended did.


The net proceeds supported the Pythian Diabetes Research Association (My good friend Craig Shink serves as its president.). Instead of numbers and letters, a DJ played song snippets.


All attendees had cards with 25 squares set in 5 columns and five rows with song titles and the artists. Just as in regular BINGO, you win games by vertical horizontal and diagonal straight lines across fives boxes. For some songs, played near full length you could dance.


A fun event and it raised some cash.


A full house so perhaps a reprise in the works?

Radio Bingo


Some songs I knew and recognized on the opening chord. Some songs listed I knew not at all. In a few cases, I preferred other, original versions, as opposed to the covers; one got played; one did not.

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