Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
07.30.2022 (939 days ago)

They are getting cute

They are getting cute
939 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I was pulled over on two Fridays ago with no license plate on the front of my car. Guilty. I was waiting for the bracket which arrived a couple of months ago and got lazy.


When I handed him my insurance card, license and registration, the insurance card was old so I received two tickets. The police officer told me if I got the plate on within one business day and got it signed by an inspection station that it was on PLUS get a letter that I was insured, all would be okay. The paperwork he gave me backed that up.


I dutifully put on the plate, called my insurance company to get the proper paperwork (with specific statements that they wanted on it) and on the following business day (Monday) had the proper papers filled out at an inspection station. I packed up the paperwork in two separate envelopes, included a self addressed stamped envelope in each and sent it return receipt requested.


I received the receipts that it had arrived at the courts. Then yesterday, I get a letter that says they are offering a reduced charge of $125 for pedestrian crossing a street diagonally. 


Very strange. No indication of receipt of my paperwork. I called and they told me that if I didn't accept the reduction to refuse it and they would set a court date. When I asked about the SASE they had no response and said "We are being nice" with the offer. Real cute.


IMHO, this is an underhanded way to generate money for the County. 


So here's a "what would you do" moment. Go in and spend half a day waiting in court and get everything dismissed or pay the $125 to avoid that?

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What would I do? Send my Associate in and get the tickets dismissed. What should you do? Pay the $125, call it a day and go play golf!

Posted By : Alan J. Schwartz