06.02.2013 (4245 days ago)

They are coming

They are coming
4245 days ago 10 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Do you think the characters in science fiction movies are all make believe?  Like cyborgs and robocops and transformers and megazilla?   Well think again.


Just this week a United Nations expert called for a global moratorium on the testing and production of armed robots that can select and kill targets without human command.  While no countries are using killing robots yet, the technology is here.  Some countries such as the US, Israel and Great Britain already use technologies seen as precursors to fully autonomous lethal robotics.  Little is know about what China and Russia have, and North Korea seems to have one as its supreme leader.  No real human could have a haircut like that.


Speaking of science fiction movies, there is that app that can tell you in seconds what song is playing on your radio just by holding you iPhone up to it.  Shazam. I have tried to trick it by playing songs from live concerts. It still gets it right and is kind of amazing.  This reminds me of the scanners in Star Trek.  Maybe not so make believe after all.


The future is here.   Terminator and Dr. McCoy are among us.

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