Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
07.11.2016 (3163 days ago)

There's An App For That

There's An App For That
3163 days ago 14 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:


I am confident I have written this blog before but it has been a very long time -- and this world changes fast.



I am interested in hearing about your favorite apps. There are a few that are my recent favorites which includ



· Citymapper – this replaced HopStop a little while back and is a great tool for planning trips around the city by public transportation.



· ParkMobile – this one isn’t in New York (as far as I know) but we use it in New Haven when parking the car at a meter. You can extend your time and pay right from your phone. No more running out to feed a meter.



· Overdrive – with this app you can borrow e-books from your library. A great app if you are a Kindle reader like me.



· FindMe Gluten Free – we eat gluten free in our house. This app has a location function and will find restaurants with gluten free menus based on where you are.



What are your favorites?

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