Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
08.01.2015 (3496 days ago)

The walking WiFi

The walking WiFi
3496 days ago 6 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

So I came home last night to find out that a truck rolling through our neighborhood snapped our connection to the internet. OMG! Now we have no TV, Phone or Internet services. After getting over the shock I called FIOS to report the issue and after some wrangling they will fix it today.


It was quite peaceful being "off the grid." At least for a couple of hours till Jake came home. He's a walking internet connection carrying about three devices with him, one of them constantly hooked up to the internet. It took about 3 mintues to get the TV going and have a live internet connection for my computer. (so I could receive my Gotham email of course;)

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