Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
05.29.2021 (1380 days ago)

The routine

The routine
1380 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

We all have routines. At some level they're comforting and at the same time can cause stress. This morning I observed mine.


I woke up at 5A (it's usually around 5 - 5:30A), grabbed my phone to see if there any emergencies like a typo in someone's blog. I sauntered (yes saunter) downstairs, selected and ground some beans to make coffee in my french press. At any given time I have 3 or 4 different types of coffee to select from. Today it was Kona coffee from Hawaii, Vera from California and Founders from Brooklyn (I'm a worldy coffee drinking man:).


Then I cracked my computer and sorted through 126 emails (light morning, it's usually around 200) I received overnight. Barring some emergencies, I performed my daily Webmaster duties, removing spam from the listservs, hopefully solving some member issues, and answering technical questions. Oh yea..then I write this blog

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