Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
06.09.2018 (2465 days ago)

The routine

The routine
2465 days ago 21 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My morning routine hasn't varied for quite awhile and I noticed this morning that, sometimes, I go about it without today :)



  • Wake up (which is a good thing)
  • Check in with my phone (not a good thing)
  • Roll out of bed...literally
  • Stand up and say to myself "Another day in paradise!"
  • Take care of some personal issues
  • Go downstairs, grab some fruit and make myself a couple of eggs
  • Crack my laptop and check email (and on Saturdays, write a blog:)
  • Take a shower, get dressed and experience whatever the day brings


I might switch out the eggs for some lox and on days with breakfast appointments, I skip that part. Other than that I move through this ritual seemingly mindless.


I wonder how many of you have some sort of routine in the morning. I'm thinking I should change it to shake things up. Suggestions are welcome :-)

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