Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
09.04.2016 (3104 days ago)

The return of the glove

The return of the glove
3104 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Gotham Picnic, Softball, Fred Klein

Almost three years ago (1084 days ago according to this website) I blogged about my glove and giving it up to Marisa in LA.

I felt its "loss" last summer at the Gotham City Networking Inc.® Picnic and Softball game at Plainview-Old Bethpage Park.

I played 2B in our intra-tribal softball game with a glove borrowed from Ben Geizhals; very kind of Ben and still appreciated.

I felt uncomfortable without my mitt the entire game.  I shared that sentiment with our tribe's co-founder, Fred Klein, begging off playing the field to DH this year.  Fred's comeback: he needed me in the field.

I shared Fred's email with Marisa and if you attend the Gotham picnic at the same site next weekend (same excellent BBQ catering by Saidy's Cafe too!), you get to see the famous glove -- after all how many gloves get to be subject of one blog and this one now gets to be subject of at least two.

While I saw a "last call" email before the weekend, know that if you did not RSVP yet, you still can get in on the picnic -- I have no control over whether you get to play in the game.  So not only do you get to enjoy a nice Gotham gathering, but you get to see the famous glove before it gets returned to LA.  (RSVP here.)

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