Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
06.27.2021 (1355 days ago)

The project

The project
1355 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I learned to wait until Fathers Day passes before I put down my red mulch in my yard. Though not complete, we started the task on the large area around our two trees Friday eve, and worked on one of the two smaller flower sections yesterday; we expect to complete the smallest section tomorrow. Yes, Shelly helped; no complaints here.


Preparation and a helper, never before involved, made the task rather quick. I early deployed the bags of mulch to each section. I use newspaper, two sheets thick to help prevent weeds from growing through the mulch. In the past, I’d placed the newspaper sheets from the sections I found them in. This time I set up the double sheets in advance, stacking them in sets of two. Shelly handed me one set at a time and so assisted, I quickly set out the “covering” unpacking and spreading the mulch. The preparation and assistance made a big difference.


Later Shelly remarked how nice it looks. Imagine when we finish the last section later today. Kind of amazing how long it took to extend our partnership to this task. But no complaints.

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