Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
08.06.2016 (3088 days ago)

The magic pass

The magic pass
3088 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Not being a frequent visitor to Citifield I did not know the parking situation. Fred had suggested I buy a parking pass for the Gotham Met/Yankee game last Monday. Little did I know that it was a magic pass.


As we (Jake, Fred, Joanne and I) approached the stadium, we had to pass through a myriad of police, security guard and employee checkpoints. As we approached, I instinctively held up the pass towards the front windshield. At each checkpoint the officer/guard ushered us past the traffic to a special lane. We were ecsatic and each time we used it and got closer it became more magical till we ended up parking one row from the stadium!


In the back seat (yes's true) Fred was shouting "This is a blog!"


It was the start of a great game. We all left the car marveling at our magic pass and where we ended up.


The Magic Pass

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