Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
08.23.2014 (3841 days ago)

The final blog on happiness

The final blog on happiness
3841 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

IMHO most people tend to dwell on negative issues. They complain about the weather, business, food...whatever. News outlets use bad news as a method to gain viewers and readers. In fact, the ratio of bad news to good news on a typcial broadcast can be as much as 17 to 1.


I know that people seem to discount joy and happiness. They choose to push it aside after they experience it. Maybe they don't feel they deserve it. Maybe because true happiness and joy seems fleeting. It happens in a moment and then the moment is gone.


Life is too short to dwell on negative feelings. Why not live on happiness?


Try this right now...think about something good that happened to you over the past week. Could be a hug, a conversation, winning, getting a new account...whatever. Now close your eyes and, breath deeply and put yourself back into that time and place and live those feelings again. Feels good doesn't it? You probably were smiling to yourself. I do this just about every day.


As I close this week on blogging happiness, I humbly suggest that each of use can choose to be happy. Relive those joyful moments in our lives...because we can.

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