Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.19.2017 (2850 days ago)

The Witches of Eastwick

The Witches of Eastwick
2850 days ago 22 comments Categories: Movies Tags:

Do you remember the 1987 movie of John Updike's above entitled novel?

A brief summary: Jack Nicholson is cast as the male lead with dynamic costars Cher, Michele Pfeiffer and Susan Sarandon cast as unknowing witches living together in a coven into which Jack wanders.

I just love the send up and can't help casting myself and my three female partners Joan Rothermel, Jane Jacobs and Nancy Schess into this scenario. 

After all, I am most fortunate to be situated as the only male partner practicing in our most unique boutique Labor and Employment law firm. 

What's more, when I cast illusions of The Witches of Eastwick out to my partners conversationally they do not seemingly object.  In fact, I believe they approve, as Jane says she is Cher, Nancy says she is Michele and we then assigned Susan to Joan.

No doubt, I am as kooky as Jack, so just maybe it is a perfect fit (and partnership). 

Nancy did crack witches is okay, but nothing that rhymes with witch is allowed. 

A belated happy Mother's Day to my amazing and dear Witches!

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