2368 days ago
Categories: Lifestyle
I recently learned that our infamous government agency, FEMA, had coined the term "Waffle House Index" to measure the effect of a natural disaster on an area. If a Waffle House shuts down or limits its menu after such hazards, federal officials conclude the community took a major hit.
The Southern breakfast chain, which is open 24 hours a day all year, activates their storm center when a natural disaster or event is impending. Waffle House restaurants are known for staying open during natural disasters, and federal officials use them to determine the severity of a hurricane, tornado or other hazards on a local area.
"The Waffle House test just doesn't tell us how quickly a business might rebound — it also tells how the larger community is faring," FEMA said "They are open most of the time. If a Waffle House is closed because there's a disaster, it's bad. We call it red. If they're open but have a limited menu, that's yellow," he said. "If they're green, we're good, keep going. You haven't found the bad stuff yet."
Maybe FEMA should let the Waffle House lead all future disaster planning and recovery efforts...