05.21.2020 (1737 days ago)

The Visitor

The Visitor
1737 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The little notification beep on my phone tells me that there’s motion in my backyard. Sometimes it’s the Cardinal enjoying a snack.
Weeks ago, when this was just beginning, we put a little birdseed on the deck to see what would happen. After a few days the cardinals appeared. A sweet couple - bright red with a black face and soft brownish-red.
They seem unaware of what’s going on — except I’ve heard that the birds have reduced the volume of their chirping because they’re not competing with street noise. They visit several times a day and I watch as they stay for a while and then fly away to visit others.
On the one hand, a wonderful distraction. On the other, a little connection.

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