Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.25.2020 (1628 days ago)

The Twirler

The Twirler
1628 days ago 29 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I know someone who went out with Ruth Bader in high school in Brooklyn.

He described her as smart, pretty, vivacious and a cheerleader.

No matter how hard I pressed or the questions I asked he said no more.

Being me, I was intrigued by his description of her being a cheerleader.  It was spice that just didn’t fit her frilled collar image.

So I dug deep and came up with the pictured blurb from Ruth Bader's high school yearbook.  My friend’s memory was imperfect as she was a “Twirler” not a cheerleader.

Picture teenaged Ruth Bader cavorting on a Brooklyn playing field vivaciously twirling a baton!

Clearly she was a woman of immense scope, talent and impact.

Only in America could a diminutive teenaged twirler from Brooklyn lead a life justifying being the first woman (and Jewish person too) in history to lie in state in the Capital Rotunda!

Rest In Peace Notorius RBG!

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