12.17.2018 (2261 days ago)

The Trailer is The Thing

The Trailer is The Thing
2261 days ago 10 comments Categories: Movies Tags:

I think the internet has changed the importance and use of movie trailers. Before the internet, a trailer would come on television a few weeks before the movie was released. Or, we saw move trailers in theaters before seeing a movie. Now there are previews of the trailers, release dates for the trailers, and multiple trailers. Movie trailers have become a huge internet marketing tool.


I admit that I play right into the trailer marketing. As a self professed science fiction nerd, I loved the Avengers Infinity Wars movie and am anxiously awaiting the sequel. So, when the first trailer for Avengers Endgame was released, on December 8, I quickly watched it, several times. And then I clicked onto a few websites I follow to read their comments on the trailer. Apparently, I wasn’t alone. Entertainment Weekly reported the Avengers 4 trailer broke the record for first day viewing.


While I am already happily anticipating Avengers 4 the release of the trailer has absolutely increased my anticipation. Do movie trailers affect your movie viewing choices?

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