Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.04.2018 (2498 days ago)

The Telephone Repairman

The Telephone Repairman
2498 days ago 18 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Last week our telephone dial tone disappeared.  My first reaction was to call the phone company (Verizon) and ask for a repair man. However, I could not find the telephone repair number on the telephone bill or in the Yellow Pages for Verizon.

There was nothing else to do but resort to Google and I did so and I found a link for Verizon repair. I clicked on the link and "Samson" invited me to text the problem to him.  I did so and he quickly responded with questions, more questions and directions and soon I found myself outside in the garage in the Telephone Company's phone box. After a while, Samson directed me to push a few buttons while exchanging a few more texts and "Presto" I had a dialtone!

It happened so fast!


There's been much made about robots replacing humans in the labor force, but I had just experienced a variation on projected futuristic labor saving devices. No one would ever called me a robot, but the future is now!

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