They didn't want to know -- wanted it to be a surprise. The gender, that is. Flo and I were OK with that -- not that we had much choice -- even after we realized that if they didn't want to know, we wouldn't know.
Apparently it takes effort to make sure you don't find out. Warnings on charts to assure that there is no slip and inadvertent disclosure. As the family waited on Thursday evening, "What do you think it is?" was a frequent inquiry. No one knew as we were sent home late in the evening. And, as it would happen, even after they knew, they kept us in suspense.
The text message at 5:15 in the morning only added to the drama. It read: "Hey everyone. There's someone here we really want you to meet."
Perhaps some day, Jackson will google his name and read this blog by his grandmother and grandfather and smile about what his parents did. Jackson Zeller Feinberg was born on Friday, December 28, 2012 at 4:54 am.