08.17.2017 (2748 days ago)

The Solar Eclipse

The Solar Eclipse
2748 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It is against the backdrop of our day to day routines and the challenges of these interesting times, that I look forward to Monday's solar eclipse. My daughter and son-in-law are heading south to be in the Path of Totality. I'll settle for the partial eclipse here in New York. As I ponder the upcoming astronomical event (some say, of a lifetime), I am again reminded of our place in the universe. I heard an astronomer comment about the coincidence that humans are on the earth to witness a total solar eclipse. Apparently the slow movement of the moon away from the earth means that the moon is able to completely block the sun for a relatively short period of universal time (I think he said it was several hundred million years). Humans are here on earth at just the right time! Think about it. It certainly puts us all in our place.

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Posted By : hydrajet